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Thread: Festive WDYTOE Spectacular

  1. #1
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    Exclamation Festive WDYTOE Spectacular

    I've got a day off so it would be rude not to. The entry requirements for my provisional list are >100 posts, and at least one post since June, which provides just under 100 members. I shan't be using everyone in my actual list, as I don't see much point in putting "solid poster" over and over again. If I've left you out I don't think you're a dickhead so don't take it as a slight. Feel free to include anyone that didn't meet my arbitrary requirements.


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    Sorry for being so positive, but I just don't hate many of you enough to cut fiery heel promos.

    I'm also sorry for constantly veering between 2nd and 3rd person.

  2. #2
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    Ah shit the tags didn't work. One sec.

  3. #3
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    Are you kidding? okay we can use your thread if you like.

  4. #4
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    Well in lads.

    I'm sure you're going to get amazing entries after this and the awards, Igor.

  5. #5
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    AD ― Always good value whenever he posts. Went through a spell of being a lot more open about his real life but that seems to have curtailed a bit now, which is a shame but at least he does still post. No doubt I’ll wanna shoot myself (or him) for not getting on his Billericay to win the Ismathian tip, but we’ll see.
    Adamski ― Seemed like he had a bit of a chip on his shoulder when he first started posting more but that’s definitely subsided now and he’s quickly become one of the better contributors on here. Still likes to antagonise now and then but now mostly when it’s deserved, so he’s good to have on side. Generally really helpful too, so thanks a lot.
    Alan Shearer The 2nd ― I couldn’t tell you much about him other than he likes cars, is quick to snap at people, and has a hilarious avatar.
    Alex ― Always been a firm favourite of mine, and I can see Spoonsky has a similar affection for him in the Hip-Hop thread, which is more than understandable. His knowledge is undeniably amazing and his passion for rap will never go away. Elsewhere, he’s my X-Files compadre but needs to hit it harder because I’m in season nine now and I think he’s still in six. Has John “best thing about the show” Doggett even turned up yet? C’mon! But yeah, Alex is good.
    Amigo ― Gylfi could have netted me a nice sum had he scored a few more in the Euros. Instead, you score low. Mostly because he doesn’t post anymore, obviously.
    Andy ― I see him post more on Twitter than he does on here, which is a shame because he’s always been one of the respected football geezers, along with the likes of Davgooner, Kiko and Mellin, but he still posts about Southampton every so often in the weekend football threads and I like that he doesn’t just post and scurry off (like some) and actually interacts with others when they ask him genuine questions about where he sees the club going. Does well to stay so positive, really, but it’s understandable when you consider how long he’s been following them and how bad times have been over that period. But yeah good poster who should post more.
    Angelsaint ― Posts very rarely and when he does it’s absolute nonsense or 100% trolling. We’d honestly be better off swapping him out and letting Harold back.
    Bam ― Must browse more than his posting suggests because whenever someone mentions him he’ll pop up with perfect comic timing and moop. I’ve never had a problem with him, and really do wish he’d post more.
    Baz ― The virgin surgeon.
    Bernanke ― He’s good. I remember saying in the past I wished he posted more, or ventured out the Hip-Hop thread more (although that may have been lynskey) but now he’s posting good stuff all over the place. A good contributor, definitely.
    Blitz ― I made the list from people who had posted in the past six months. Turns out this guy posts very rarely and only in the cricket thread so I’ve never seen him before, but hopefully those who do read the cricket thread can give us some feedback on whether he’s worth inviting out into the wild.
    Bob Sacamano ― I know he’s an old-timer back with a new name but I don’t know who and truth-be-told I don’t really recall him posting much.
    Boydy ― Has always been a bit mopey, and a few months ago seemed to be really down about general life, but lately he seems to be on the up and contributes well on here. A few others know a lot more about his personal life than me, but those who do seem keen to offer him helpful and honest advice. That’s what TTH is for for a lot of a people, and it’s always nice to see.
    Browning ― I don’t even care that he only posts in the Pokemon and Wrestling threads, because he absolutely adores Pokemon and it’s great to read about it. KUTGW. Although I guess it would be nice if he branched out a bit more.
    bruhnaldo ― He’s great. Honestly one of my favourite posters. Sometimes he’s funny, sometimes he’s quite withdrawn and melancholic, other times he’s sorta half way, but he’s always himself and I like that. He’s good in the Fantasy NFL thread too, which helps keep me interested because I don’t really know what I’m doing in there half the time.
    Byron ― He’s great. General opinion of him on here seems a bit mixed, if I’m honest, but I think he posts well and often enough to be considered one of the better contributors we have. I’m excited that he’s just got the new Pokemon too so eagerly await an influx of tales about his journey, because I’m a proper sad nerd.
    Chrissy ― Only posts to promote himself, which is even worse when you remember he only used to post to mope about his non-existent lovelife. Gimme strength, man. It’s especially annoying when on FM-Base he’s lauded over being some master FM tactician, yet we get none of that over here. We’re still an FM forum at heart, aren’t we? Or have we recategorised ourselves as a self-help forum for self-deprecating Scottish born-again virgins? I’m glad he’s finding some success with his standup/interviewer(?) career, but it’d be nice if he could talk about something else for a change.
    CJay ― One of the few who seems to have been reinvigorated since moving domains and it’s definitely a good thing because CJay’s good value. It’s a shame he doesn’t post as much as he used to in the Hip-Hop thread, but I’ll take his widespread regular posting over a really focussed subject, any day. Long may his enthusiasm continue.
    Clunge ― I feel like he browses loads but is very selective when posting. Also he never starts conversations. Like he won’t make new threads or bump old topics, instead only replying to recent other posts if he feels like he can be arsed. If he posted more I’m sure we’d all be glad of it, but what we get now is better than nothing so I’m not complaining.
    Cord ― Realised I’ve not seen him post for a while and when checking I noticed he only posts in the Attenborough thread. I never realised he was a boring sod! Oh well, RIP etc.
    Dan ― Dan likes NFL, right? Yeah I think it’s that way round. I’d never conversed with him before signing up for the Fantasy NFL game but since then I’ve become a fan. Well-informed, helpful, easy to get along with – what more could you want from a poster? Only to post in more threads, I guess.
    Danny ― Officially the winner of my wife’s favourite username award. I hope you cherish that til the day you die. As for his posts, yeah they seem good. Nothing special but never offensive. We could have one hundred members like him and it’d just tick along nicely without any squabbling, but we’d all miss the hissy fits and fights, really. I like that we have the one of him though.
    Dark Soldier ― Blanked me on rllmuk because he’s a bellend, but I still love him. Plus my usernames different so maybe he didn’t know. On here he’s good. Still has enthusiasm for this place, which is amazing, and every now and then he tears up remembering how much he’s got from reading about all of our lives for over a decade and we all hold hands and smile. Then you know he switches tabs to some midget torture porn, jerks off and then PMs the link to me and Magic.
    Davgooner ― I’m always glad when I see him post. It’s usually just a passing comment about the football or something, but I’m glad he’s still around. He’s never been mad into TTH, but has always been respected on here, so hopefully he’ll still be here to witness when it finally burns down to the ground and ceases to exist. We’ve got at least ten years left before then though, so stay with us Dave and keep the van running.
    Demerit ― Estate agent bloke, right? Was very helpful when I bought my house, and I was banned just as it was going through so never got to say thanks. Cheers, mate.
    dino ― Really come on leaps and bounds while posting here. Really, the progress is sensational. He’s now got a job he loves, loads of money, and still manages time to post on here. I just wish his girlfriend sitch was a bit more pleasant for him.
    Disco ― Can I be the first to say I don’t like the snooty comments he makes at Giggles? I like Giggles and we all know what he’s like, but being a snidey little rat (was it?) doesn’t help the situation at all. Disco is properly good too, so it’s a shame. When we first moved over here he was very generous in offering to help where needed, and I’ll always remember it, so that’s why I won’t let his Giggles-sniping affect my opinion of him. I realise I really don’t know much about him though. Well, other than his real name, but that goes without saying. I'm not sure if that's my fault, or his intentions.
    Dquincy ― Magic clearly has a mancrush on him, and it’s understandable because “quince” is just a lovely bloke. I’m amazed how friendly he remains after some of the abuse I’ve seen him receive on here.
    elth ― Should post more but it’s understandable that he can’t commit to this place like he used to, as time moves on. A legend in his own right though, and will always be well-thought of on here.
    five time ― Sick of saying this but should post more. He’s posted very well about Liverpool in the past so we all know he has it in him to be considered one of the better contributors on here. Put some effort in!
    Foe ― Really is a legend. Still receives unwarranted stick on here just for the way he is, which will always bamboozle me. He’s one of two TTHers I have on Facebook, which I think speaks volumes despite how little I use it. Seems to have a nice chilled out life with a cute cat, a belting salary and a seemingly cosy home, so obviously doing something right. Needs his disco muscles back though, or else he’s at risk of an unfollow on Instagram.
    Giggles ― The best poster; hands down, no questions asked, where’s the beef, best. He’s great. I don't even mind that he's supposedly dead old either because I'd still be his mate in real life. I know some people on here think he's a bit negative or whatever but c'mon at least he posts, and with great frequency too. I don't think he is overly pessimistic either – just seems like a normal bloke to me. Infact, I'm meant to be going a stag do in Dublin next year and would appreciate any recommendation of places to go. I work with someone from there too so I can cross reference her picks with yours and find the real grubby heart of the city. Come for a beer too – unless you only drink at home from those three-pint bottles you seem to always get from the pub but never consume there.
    Gray Fox ― I really can’t believe how much FIFA he plays. I’m not surprised he posts less since FIFA17 came out. It’s a shame though because he is a good poster when he can be bothered.
    Greg ― Used to be Greg Lougayness right? Username change is a travesty.
    GS ― Took his foot off the gas a little but seems to be getting back up to speed with his posting now, which is something we should all be grateful for because when GS can be arsed, his posts are amazing. Get a Christmas Werewolf game going and this place will be buzzing around the festive period. Oh man, that’d be great. Not that I’d play – I don’t even know the rules, but I know others love it.
    Hammer ― I can’t work him out. Some seem to have massive respect for him and I suppose it helps that some of you have met him, but he’s just so unlike anyone I’d associate with in real life that I can’t click with him. That’s obviously more my fault than his but this is a WDYTOE and that’s what I think of him. The walking long distance thing is such a waste too – you should have Pokemon Go running and hatch a ton of eggs as you go.
    Henry ― The cancer of Ireland is still about, which is a bigger shame than any of the bad stuff that 2016 has seen happen.
    hfswjyr ― When phonics broke the board by trying to install some early 2000’s html envelope animations and then SvN fixed it, all our avatars got switched about and I ended up with hfswjyr’s. Other than that red hot anecdote, I’ve not got much else to say other than he seems okay. Let’s be honest if someone posts with some sort of regularity and isn’t a complete gypo, then we all should be pleased. And I’m not just saying I’m glad hfswjyr is around to keep the numbers up either because I really do like him as a poster, but cmon that username…
    Ian ― He is excellent. Came out of nowhere and impressed from the start, really. Posts well in the threads I see him in and likes a beer – perfect TTHer, really. Plus hasn't he recently gone through the entire back-catalogue of WWE pay-per-views on the $9.99 WWE Network? If so, what a man to have around in real life. Like something minor could happen and he could be like 'lol it reminds me of when William Regal teamed up with Lance Storm and omigod remember when they beat Kane and RVD? That was more of an upset than this pub only having Kronenbourg on. That was at No Way out in 2003, I think' and you and your mates would be sat there thinking hang about you mean when The Rock beat Hulk Hogan, but by this point he's got one of your dads mates in a rollup pin: 'so we're on RAW the week after and the barman's Austin, right? I'm Hurricane Helms and your dads mate Dennis is The Rock, okay?'... Epic. Ian, come and join my group of mates please. We'd love you. Do you wanna be a lion or a crocodile? And pick up Igor en route because
    igor_balis ― Probably the only member of TTH I’m ever likely to meet (although even that is very unlikely) and not just because he seems often to be not too far away, but more because he seems like great fun. His posts are entertaining, his stories are amusing and his background is just bizarre. It all makes for a very good poster and I think he’s one of the best on here at the moment.
    ItalAussie ― Still going strong. If he ever sacks this place off I worry for it’s longevity so hopefully s/he’ll stick around for a lot longer yet and continue to contribute.
    Jeet ― I’m sure he used to moan when people shortened his name to ‘jeet on the old board. Just a sign that TTH rules all, really. I heard WWW tried to sign up but Ian had stolen his username. Anyway, diljeet seems okay. Posts less and less now, which I’m sure some people are pleased about, but I never minded him. Literally only posts about Arsenal now too.
    Jimmy Floyd ― I really don’t know how he harvested the reputation he has, but it’s stuck for a long time now and it works great as far as the dynamics of TTH are concerned. Basically he’s some cricket loving, Chelsea pseudo-hating, black man envying, jobsworth nerd from down South, but on here he’s regarded as an oracle of African footballer knowledge, Korean-despising, Chelsea fan spokesman. Don’t get me wrong, I like the guy and it’d be a travesty if he stopped posting, but he’s done well to get where he is today, in forum terms, and my god his avatar could not be more fitting.
    John ― Way back when, he used to be okay. Then he turned into an absolute massive prick, which everyone noticed and openly commented on, but he carried on. Now he does his best to do nothing and rarely contributes anything other than FM screenshots, but when he just can’t help himself he’ll pipe up now and then and reveal himself to still be a bit of a wanker. But that’s just John, I guess, and we’re all used to it by now. Also somehow has an opinion on everything or, worse, has experienced everything. David Attenborough could be in a pub and have everyone gripped with some epic tale about something he witnessed during his career, then John would sidle over with his Smirnoff Ice and belt holes full of charlie, and rubbish it all saying actually it was more like this, followed by a collective sigh and hushed murmurs of 'great, John the bastard's out tonight; time to call it a night,' as the last-orders bell rings out at 8:30PM.
    John Arne ― Best thread starter, living or dead hands down huh. Has had a few mishits but more often than not he starts good threads. Without him, the board would be a lot quieter so I think we should all give him glowing reviews so he continues to carry the board for at least another twelve months.
    Kikó ― Everytime I see England Cricket Captain Alastair Cook on telly I think it’s our Daws. On the list with Dav and Mellin for ever-presents, only Kiko has always been the more involved. Seems well liked on here, understandably, and also seems to be doing very well in real life. Good on you, kidda.
    Lee ― Dead in a Maccies bin somewhere while Laur spends all his hard-earned cash. Lol soz. His absence is noticed though, so hopefully he comes back one day.
    leedsrevolution ― Doesn’t seem all that popular but I think he’s really funny. Like I’d say one in five of his posts amuse me. Don’t ask me why, he’s just really comical.
    Lemmo ― Seems to be a beast at FIFA, but doesn’t really post anywhere else anymore.
    Lewis ― The man, the myth, the legend. If it’s possible to don a website, Lewis does that and has done for so many years I’ve lost track. I’m sure he hasn’t though – he’s got every single thing that’s ever happened in this community documented in the most epic computer folder of all time. Thinking about it, he’s been donning it ever since he first turned up with his fullname username like a boss. Peaked when he posted a Drake gif a few weeks back, mind. Pity he’s a United fan but hey not even Lewis is perfect.
    Limoutsonik ― Don’t know if he followed us over from the old board but he burst onto the scene the other day with a suave ‘evening gents’ and then just like that started posting like everyone’s dad knew him from down the club. I’m earmarking him as a future TTH legend.
    Lofty ― Really has lived off the rollercoaster pic and the reputation it earned him. Has a lot to thank Benny for. Other than that, he seems fairly non-descript really.
    Luca ― He’s a bit like Jimmy Floyd in that his reputation is ridiculous and everyone bloody loves him, and it’s sort of grown out of nothing over time. However, unlike Jimmy Floyd, Luca is one hell of a cool dude and I imagine everyone he meets wants to either be his friend, or just wishes they were him. He’s just ace, and I don’t even know why.
    Luke Emia ― I can’t believe he stuck with that username when switching over to here. Probably worse than randomlegend doing the same, but at least Luke formatted his correctly.
    Magic ― Oh man. I can’t help but feel like you’re gonna get some stick in this thread, as your renewed outlook on yourself has come a bit too late. Hopefully you don’t just read the comments next to your own name or you’ll have already missed my hilarious dig a bit further up the list. He really is funny though, isn’t he? Sure sometimes he tries too hard with his wannabe-crude metaphors (sort of a DS-lite, perhaps) but every-so-often he nails it with words and brings about a collective grin among his readers. Let’s face it, we’re all here to try to entertain each other, and Magic definitely does this in abundance. And no doubt it goes both ways too, because he definitely loves logging on here and reading about what other people are upto. It’s what this community is for! What it’s not necessarily for, is airing out every single piece of dirty washing you have, but part of me loves how unrestricted Magic is when he posts here. I’m not surprised he was second in line (behind Mr Lightfoot) when RealNameGate kicked off – if anyone he actually knows read anything he posts on here, he’d end up in a worse way than when he was “gubbed” that time. Keep it up though, Magic, you’re excellent value. Oh and your exchanges with Giggles are second-to-none in the recent history of the board.
    Andy Mahowry ― I was never really a fan of him on the old board (when I was allowed on ololol) but he’s a good member on here. I don’t know what he does in life but he seems to be around a lot, and I like how open he is to sharing stuff. Like we all know about his dad and the will and inheritance etc and granted some mightn’t care but they’re polite enough to not make an issue of it, and personally I’m interested in hearing about it. It seems easiest to be considered a good member/poster on TTH if you tick two boxes: varied interests, and people at least know a bit about you. Mahow definitely fits in both.
    Manc ― Still not figured out if he was on the old board, and I often mix him up with Gray Fox, but he seems decent. I think he's from near me too, although his name suggests it's a bit further afield than I first thought. Either way, good poster and often raises a smile from me.
    Max Power ― If he posted as much all over the board as he seems to in the Cricket thread, we'd probably all be sick of him. I like him though and I have always thought he comes across as highly intelligent, but I don't know why exactly. Was nice having him (and Lee) around last season too when Leicester won the league, as otherwise I don't think I'd have cared quite as much as I did.
    Mazuuurk ― He's always been very good, I think. He got credit for making the Dugout website, didn't he? It's a pity that wasn't maintained because it must have taken a lot of effort for him and then to see it all go to waste must have done his head in. He's just got FM17 too and it seems like he's going to be posting in-depth about his game – it's always good to have someone elses story to read too. Although it just makes me wish it was Christmas already so I could play too. I didn't really notice Maz on the old board but I'm glad he makes the effort on here.
    Mellberg ― Only ever posts about football, although has shared a lot about his personal life in the past, which is a shame because he’s a good lad. Since his last real-life story he seems a bit restrained, probably because the feedback was practically split down the middle between agreeing and disagreeing with his outlook. I hope that escapade had a happy ending (as much as it could have) at least.
    The Merse ― Oh god his tattoos are awful. And his clothes, oh man his clothes. I don’t know what it is about him though because I actually think he’s really really sound. Another one who’s really open on here and doesn’t let the stick he sometimes gets put him off from future storytelling endeavours.
    Mert ― Often the first to get emotional about how much this place means to him, which is admirable considering how much hate some people direct towards him. It’s never been warranted because it’s the internet ffs, but I guess he has been a bit of tool in the past. He loves it though – he loves any attention, and it’s funny to read. Sure sometimes it’s a bit like a broken record but we all think he’s great, really, right? Although we need Sincere back to neg him when things start to get out of hand. I hope he stays true to his word though and puts some serious cash into making this place famous. I'll still PM phonics and SvN every month asking them to put my Google Ads in the footer though.
    Mike ― Looks like someone with dark hair and glasses. Doesn’t post much, if at all, and seems to read this place even less. Hurr hurr did you see that ________ on the dugout, Mike? No. Always no. NEVER. Does he even have the internet anymore? C’mon TTH, get a campaign going – Make Mike Great Again.
    mikem ― Or I could just replace him with this Mike? Hi mikem, I’m your new brother. Can I come to America please? I want to catch a Tauros. Oh, hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving. Do you look like Liam Lynch? Because that’s a necessity.
    mo ― Has a baby now so we’ll never see him again, and neither will his friends, and all he’ll want to do is have quiet nights in with his family and watch Bake Off and become a massive loser. But we can’t get rid of him because he’s been around for so long, so we just have to pretend it’s okay. C’mon mo – when you’ve cleaned all that poo out from under your fingernails, drop us a line to let us know you’re still cool.
    mokbull ― Does his best to come across as a bit simple and a really watered-down character, which I hope he's not actually like. Apparently that's got something to do with him pretending to be other people in the past, or something? I don't really know much about him but he seems harmless, at least.
    Mr Malik ― After strutting around solely in the Cricket thread like he owned the gaffe, he then ventured into the Hip-Hop thread like 'sup homies, here's a video' and then the video didn't even work! A-grade trolling; top work. Penned to have an ongoing but intense rivarly with Limoutsonik in the distant-future.
    neo_hippy ― Hardly posted and then a month ago his wife had a baby, so we'll see even less of him now. Mo 2.
    niko_cee ― The only exception to what I touched on in my entry for Mahow, in that niko_cee could be a secret agent because all we know about him is Brighton. I mean is he from Brighton? I thought he was from New Zealand? Where does he live? Who knows. He's even more cryptic than Chinny Hill, and he made a point of going out of his way to cover his tracks and keep his identity top-secret. He's top though, and I'd be surprised if anyone had a bad word to say about him as he just seems to get on with everyone.
    Nom de Guerre ― He's only here for FM chat so does well to get much out of this place, truth be told. Hopefully he at least reads other threads, even if he doesn't contribute.
    nsd ― Presumably this is newschooldevil from the olden days? I’ve never seen her post but the forum search thingio says it was after September 1st, hence the inclusion. Used to be good in the Hip-Hop thread so if it is the same person, get posting again. And play FM17.
    Offshore Toon ― Recently made a triumphant return to posting and kicked some life into the Hip-Hop thread. The only other TTHer I have on Facebook, as far as I’m aware, but from the little I’ve seen he seems like a worthwhile source to have on my news feed. One time he posted a video of his mate screaming fuck off while a massive string of snot dangled out of his note. Amazing. Was about three minutes long too. I’ve always been envious of how many gigs he goes to, seriously must have money coming out the wazoo, but I like that he shares his stories on here sometimes so at least I can read about how great it was.
    Panda Bear ― Went away for ages but is now back and, thankfully, has dropped the holier-than-thou attitude he carried about on the old board. Spoonsky would definitely wank him off if the opportunity ever arose though.
    Pen ― Another one who keeps the FM thread ticking along nicely, since getting FM17. My only complaint is the massive red border around his avatar. I've only recently turned them on though so hopefully I'll get used to it.
    Pepe ― I can't believe how consistent Pepe has been throughout his tenure on here. He's always been as non-committal as possible while maintaining some kind of appreciation for everyone, but then is happy to belittle anyone and everyone if he has the chance to make a sly quip. Don't think I'm being negative though – I love Pepe, and think he's great. Always makes me laugh.
    phonics ― He's said a few times now that he gets credited for saving the day despite spending nothing, but he still put in a ton of effort to set this place up and get it looking good enough to encourage people to actually make the move over, which was no easy feat. True he messed it up almost instantly and SvN had to save the day, but at least he got it sorted. Secret bezzy mates with our Mike, and all.
    Pleb ― Absolutely nails it in the Fantasy NFL thread. If he put that much effort into every thread (Werewolf included) he’d be giving Lewis a run for his money as best poster, and I’m not even exaggerating there. Unfortunately I never really see him posting elsewhere.
    P_3 ― Probably the only other poster on here who plays Pokemon Go so I’ve gotta give him love for that, considering me and my mates are obsessed with it. He should post more about it, actually. Always used to be well good at FM. Do you still play it? You should post about that, if you do.
    Queenslander ― Has recently come into his own, I reckon. Has always been in and about threads and posted quite regularly, but lately he's really stepped it up in terms of frequency and quality. Even offered to post me a tinny – the guy's quickly becoming one of my faves, not gonna lie. Unfortunately I don't feel like I have anything worthwhile to exchange for his generous offering of special pirate beer, so it won't happen. Well, unless he has any requests for something British he's heard of but never had. Can you get Tetleys in Australia?
    randomlegend ― If wimping out of becoming a doctor wasn't bad enough, he's now an agoraphobic baker. Everybody seems scared to criticise him though, which I don't quite get. And what's that username about?
    Raoul Duke ― A snappy little bastard but I can't help but like him. Used to come across as a bit of a snob but either that's died down a lot or I've just accepted it as fine.
    Reg ― Frustrating in that we all want Reg to be more arsed about this place because when he can be bothered, he's great. I think his love for TTH has waned a lot though, and he posts a lot less now. Hopefully the flame will grow again though and he can get back to being super-active, making threads and whatnot.
    rush ― People have met him so he must be real. Can never be arsed posting anyway because he's too busy drinking protein shakes and lifting weights. Like a gay version of Lewis, really.
    Sam ― I really don't like his avatar.
    Samadini ― I actually spoke to him on Steam the other day. Was a risky move, and I'm not even sure he knew it was me, but it went okay. I've always liked Sama. Infact, I think everyone likes him on here. He's just a nice and friendly chap.
    ScousePig ― Is he still about? He's obviously posted since September 1st because he's on the list, but I don't recall seeing him. I always mix him up with a similarly named member of another forum, who I don't really like, so sorry for that.
    Serj ― Is he that black bloke who went to Japan? Actually I think that was a different Austrian? Didn't he die? Lewis, help me out. I remember being surprised to see him sign up here, but it just made me realise he probably browses a lot more than his posting indicates. If that is the case, I hope he (and other browsers who rarely post) decides to do a list.
    Shindig ― He's always been good value and entertaining. Sometimes overdoes it with boring stories about his job but other than that he's very good. Some kind of recognised games reviewer nowadays too, right? That's good going. Keep up the good work, Shinners. Oh and post more about PES.
    Smiffy ― Plays a lot of FM. And I mean a lot. So much so that it's hard to keep up with his saved games, but his passion for it is admirable. He also had a go at making a TTH team but it didn't really last. I'll probably have a crack at that too when I get it but I've such a painstaking need to have every detail spot on that I'll probably spend six days editing it and then hate all the players when I do eventually get around to playing it, for taking so long to get right. His thread certainly encouraged a few members to buy FM this time round though, which is great. It's a shame the Facebook page he made didn't take off and bring in a few new faces but I suppose there's still time for that once Mert's moneybags kick in.
    Spikey M ― Better than ever and I'm glad he's back. Just seems to want to have fun on here, which works well.
    Spoonsky ― I've never been a massive fan, moreso that he actively annoyed me, but I've never had a reason. Really he seems like a nice guy who's just happy to have people to chat to on here who know a lot about eachother, in the same way a lot of us used to while away the hours on MSN chatting to Slovenian babes and discussing TD-related conspiracy theories with Bam and DS. Sorry for judging you Spoonsky, you're alright really.
    SvN ― Before we go on to praise him for his technical know-how in keeping this place up, let's not forget that when he first signed up – however long ago that was – he chose to name himself Sam van Nistelrooy, albeit in the form of an acronym. Hahahahaha. Has that ever been addressed? Because come on son, that's so lame. But now that's off my chest, I do want to say I am grateful he can be arsed with this place. Soon we're gonna need a new server sorting out, apparently, and he's in the driving seat in terms of holding the kitty purse and actually knowing what the hell to do. I'm glad he contributes in terms of posting too, and doesn't just lurk about in “The Office,” silently judging us all.
    7om ― Idiotic name aside, there's nothing to dislike about him. Doesn't shy away from calling people out for idiotic comments but also doesn't seek out a slugfest, which is a good balance to have. You can tell he has a passion for this place too, so I really can't knock him.
    Trancemeister ― If it wasn't for TTH I wouldn't have the chance to read about Swedish football. It's hard to relate to someone who seems to only be interested in international football, considering I have less than no interest in England, but it's understandable when your national side isn't full of jebends and supported by even bigger jebends.
    Vim ― He's got a cool surname. Just like I said for Trancemeister above, I like that he offers something different in the football threads, as reading about Juventus and Copenhagen is often better than seeing people sulk about United/Newcastle/Leeds being rubbish.
    Waffdon ― His username says it all: a don. Young and loving life. He does it better than I did when I was his age. So many people on here are evidently jealous of him, and others can't believe that's what the youth of today are like. Keeps us ageing losers in touch with the cool kids, if nothing else. People don't seem to realise that the majority of his LAD posts are just replies to people like Magic lolling at something he'd seen on Facebook; Waffz just swans in, confirms he has indeed been caught getting a beej outside a police station, then saunters off back out on the lash with his cool mates. A life we all could have lived once – some of us would rather be “staff” on a Football Manager internet forum though, obvs.
    Weaver ― Absolutely nails the weekend football threads when he makes them, and even produces snazzy graphics to go with them. Unfortunately he's gone a bit quiet lately. The only saving grace on that front is that we don't have to see his Jonjo Shelvey avatar very much. Come back though, Weavs, your splash images of headline fixtures were miles better than John Arne screenshotting the games with Vietnamese kickoff times beside them.
    wullie ― Okay first of all I’m not a fan of his lowercase W, which I know is weird to say but it bugs me okay. As for his posting and contributions and whatever else, he’s great. I’m amazed by how much more tolerable of Magic he is these days; next he’ll be inviting diljeet round his new gaffe when his new wife next fancies an Indian. Obviously his aforementioned new stuff has cast a different light on Magic’s despair, so good on Wullie for wanting to be his mate and cheer him up. Still a funny sod too, when the opportunity of a one-liner presents itself. I still think he made Nik* redundant, and that’s why he stopped posting.
    Yeldoow ― Only posts about politics (read: boring cunt) so I’ve never seen him but I just want to say well done to the two Y-boys at the end of the list having matching fancy backwards names. Woodley4Harvey IDST (EAD) xxx
    Yevrah ― Honestly I feel like he’s just happy to ride the wave of his own reputation nowadays. Somehow survived broomgate and was still revered in TTH folklore, which probably shows nothing will ever tarnish his reputation. I’m glad he’s back on FM because in latter-day TD days that was where he excelled. Unfortunately he doesn’t really contribute much else anymore, which is a crying shame but hey whatcha gon do.
    I'm a twit

  6. #6
    Senior Member Disco's Avatar
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    This is a shambles already.

  7. #7
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    I've removed the @s because it wasn't working. Fuck y'all.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Good start already.

    TTH is back to the glory days.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    What are THE POLLS saying regarding the first chimpout?

  10. #10
    Senior Member randomlegend's Avatar
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    I start back at University in a month, @Baz.

    EDIT: Also just made some miso caramel and black sesame ganache filled chocolates and they are fucking delicious.

  11. #11
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    What are the polls saying about you pulling your finger out and doing a list, you swine?

    EDIT: out the way, Randrew.

  12. #12
    Senior Member 7om's Avatar
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    The only person that used to wind me up was Diljeet and he's thankfully pissed off. Everyone else is fine. Cheers.

  13. #13
    Senior Member 7om's Avatar
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    Oh, and I'll offer Pepe the following odds on first chimpout:

    Mert 2/1 on
    Smiffy 5/2
    Boydy 4/1
    Randrew 5/1
    Phonics 11/2
    Yevrage 25/1

    Any takers?

  14. #14
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    The fuck are you getting away with that effort.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    The first four will seethe at some point. Not sure about phonics or Yevrah. Bruhnaldo is also a certainty.

  16. #16
    Administrator SvN's Avatar
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    SvN was short for "Shrewd van Nistelrooy" Baz, get it right.

  17. #17
    Senior Member 7om's Avatar
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    Bruhnaldo is currently 8/1.

  18. #18
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7om View Post
    The only person that used to wind me up was Diljeet and he's thankfully pissed off. Everyone else is fine. Cheers.
    I hated that prick so much for some reason.

    The feeling was mutual as I managed to goad him a few times in the betting thread.

    Oh and Smiffy is nailed on to chimp out.

  19. #19
    Senior Member Pleb's Avatar
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    Already made two lists.

    I've peaked lads.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Offshore Toon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baz View Post
    Offshore Toon ― Recently made a triumphant return to posting and kicked some life into the Hip-Hop thread. The only other TTHer I have on Facebook, as far as I’m aware, but from the little I’ve seen he seems like a worthwhile source to have on my news feed. One time he posted a video of his mate screaming fuck off while a massive string of snot dangled out of his note. Amazing. Was about three minutes long too. I’ve always been envious of how many gigs he goes to, seriously must have money coming out the wazoo, but I like that he shares his stories on here sometimes so at least I can read about how great it was.
    I really don't have a lot of money. I'm just stupid with money. I'm not sure I'll be able to buy Christmas presents this year.

    That video is so good. All the best things happen at 6am. I suppose I have to upload it now:

  21. #21
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    Sorry, what now?

  22. #22
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    Fucking hell, that's the best review I've ever had

  24. #24
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    I love how Baz has at the same time made me sound like the world's most insufferable fanboy while being very complimentary.

    My list will probably be up over the weekend.

  25. #25
    Senior Member Waffdon's Avatar
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    Baz xo

  26. #26
    Administrator Kikó's Avatar
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    What's this fucking dropping out business Igor?

  27. #27
    Senior Member Boydy's Avatar
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    He's meeting me instead.

  28. #28
    heavy like led Dark Soldier's Avatar
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    Eh up fuckwits, as a Christmas present to you all, if anyone wants to get on a music torrent tracker, PM me your email. I have 5(five!) whole invites.

  29. #29
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    You bottled it last time I suggested a meet so I doubt it.

  30. #30
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    Follow me on Snapchat, guys! An insight how to piss money up the wall and how not to lead your life! User: havinapisslol

  31. #31
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Spikey's odds for first chimpout just spiked (lol.)

  32. #32
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    Been left off the fucking list.

  34. #34
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
    Spikey's odds for first chimpout just spiked (lol.)
    Spikey knew about it, I informed him when Waff got the shit tattoo.

  35. #35
    More successful than most Magic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bam View Post
    Been left off the fucking list.
    I can't see any entries for vacuous cunt.

  36. #36
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    Better sit this one out then.

  37. #37
    Senior Member Bam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magic View Post
    I can't see any entries for vacuous cunt.
    You still here moaning about your fat wife taking up most of the room in your tiny house?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bam View Post
    You still here moaning about your fat wife taking up most of the room in your tiny house?
    You're damn right I'm still here. My name is the first one on the list. And all the other ones are added around it. In alphabetical order.

  39. #39
    heavy like led Dark Soldier's Avatar
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    The chipmunk lives. How ya doing Bam?

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    Wowza, after 12/13 years posting on The Dugout/here, I've finally made enough of an impression to feature in one of these lists. When I'm 80, some of you might even know my real name. This is progress.

  41. #41
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bam View Post
    Been left off the fucking list.
    You were on my one.

    Can't believe my list has only resulted in one reputation comment.
    I'm a twit

  42. #42
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baz View Post
    You were on my one.

    Can't believe my list has only resulted in one reputation comment.
    I presume most are on mobile and you can't rep on it.

  43. #43
    Senior Member 7om's Avatar
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    The system's broken, Baz. I've only been notified of two since moving to this board. I think people are submitting them but they're not registering in the system.

  44. #44
    More successful than most Magic's Avatar
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    PART 1:

    Toggle Spoiler

    Part of me thinks I stopped there because I was bored and tired, but the truth is I just wanted to secretly annoy Igor.

  45. #45
    Senior Member Manc's Avatar
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    Whatever happened to Harold?

  46. #46
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magic View Post
    Ian – Pretty cool guy. We couldn’t be further apart, with interests, posting styles, hobbies, anything. Yet I have an unquantifiable respect for him. He’s so inoffensive (bordering on boring), and that ironically is part of his charm. Also doesn’t divulge much about his personal life. IIRC he has ITIL qualifications. This may explain a lot.
    I did the "ITIL Awareness" thing and regretted it. It may be great for the CV (or for CV padding, at least, depending on what you're doing) but it's absolutely excruciating. I can do the next level for nowt through work and they'll give me time away to do it, etc. but I think I'd rather be dead.

    I am quite boring, though.

  47. #47
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    rip Harold wiv Hitchens and da angels now

  48. #48
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    The best entry yet is calling Baz a 'weathered toilet brush'. I lolled.

  49. #49
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    She didn't reply to me once.

    We had multiple conversations in her chat room, on Skype and Viber.

    And it was her idea for me to come and visit so fuck you, Magic. I'm not that pathetic.

  50. #50
    More successful than most Magic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Mahowry View Post
    She didn't reply to me once.

    We had multiple conversations in her chat room, on Skype and Viber.

    And it was her idea for me to come and visit so fuck you, Magic. I'm not that pathetic.
    Narrate it how you want. We all know what happened.

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