Yawn. Here we go again. Boring divisive arguments with an occasional sectarian streak. Hooray! Don't agree with the cult?! Quisling! Boo! Hiss!
Yawn. Here we go again. Boring divisive arguments with an occasional sectarian streak. Hooray! Don't agree with the cult?! Quisling! Boo! Hiss!
You're not having another one you cunts.
She's trying to keep the base happy, knowing that if the referendum was held she'd lose. It's all so tedious.
In the event of losing another one, I wonder how long a 'generation' will be taken as.
The second referendum loss in the Quebec sovereignty movement killed it, so I reckon they'd be finished for at least 25 years. It would certainly end Sturgeon and Salmond's hopes of getting statues at Holyrood, which is presumably the only reason they're continuing with this folly.
You'd hope so but they've got that much of a brass neck you do wonder.
As with the Quebecistanis, even if they lost another referendum (which they will), there will still be a solid thirty-five to forty per cent of people who will only ever vote for the Krankies in every subsequent election, and isn't that the real prize now?
What's going on?
Why are they even allowed to do this? I get there's some devolution in powers, but surely they should just be told to shut the fuck up?
I'm well up for a London referendum though
They aren't allowed to do it without agreement.
Legally, could the other countries have a vote as to whether or not to keep Scotland in the Union?
You could try, but they'd no doubt kick off.
You have to laugh at how brazen they are. We're funding a 10% budget deficit, which is not only the highest in the western world but would require a sadistic level of austerity or Hollande-style tax increases to try and get it down to the 3% to be admitted to the EU. They're demanding they stay in the EU single market as it's "vital" for Scottish goods (15% of exports, lads) but it's okay to cut themselves off from the UK single market (64% of your exports, lads). Their entire 2014 White Paper was built on record oil prices and record production (almost zero tax revenue) and they'd have to a) leave the sterling zone and then b) accept the Euro, if they did get readmitted to the EU a few years after independence.
The EU single market point is by far the most lol-worthy, but the whole thing is just an exercise in bravado. They can't call another referendum when a) most people don't want one and b) most people would vote 'no'. They had every conceivable advantage in 2014 and still didn't win, and the economic situation is considerably grimmer for them now than it was. There's a hardcore who'll always vote 'yes' even if it meant living in a cave, but I can't see how they win one in the next few years.
The other side of the coin is that they're a bit shit in government, so leaving them to fuck more things up (Named Person, for fuck sake) should alienate a right few more people.
Most people have made their mind up anyway, can't see enough folk now wanting to change to a yes.
The Yes voters I know seem convinced that this time it'd go through but I'm not sure I've read about (m)any No voters saying they'd switch.
I don't get why people who live in rUK get so worked up about.
I know a few Yes voters who said they'd vote No in a rerun because of what a shambles The White Paper turned out to be. Most of them have only become more deluded and bitter since the first vote though.
Tinfoil hat brigade in full flow-
how to do a screen shot
The Cybernats are great craic, to be fair.
Certainly one way of looking at it.
It was fun for a while, with all the 'FIX' cries immediately after the referendum being the high point, but the idiocy behind the conspiracy theories has become so calcified at this point that it's boring. Lunacy stops being fun when it's constant and about everything.
The single best moment of the entire referendum, by the way, was the No vote from the Outer Hebrides being announced in Gaelic. I imagine hundreds of televisions beneath 'Alba gu brath' banners were booted over then.
I enjoyed the rangers fans attacking people in kilts in George Square.
Sturgeon is making a right spectacle of herself these days, in conjunction with treating the Scottish populace as idiots.
Great work, everyone.
Banging on about Scotland.
"EU single market etc. etc."
Treating the Scots as idiots etc. etc.