I was listening to Radio 5 in the car earlier and some American bird was going on about how there is an anti-Semitic culture in the UK, particularly on the left.

It's certainly true that the left, and Labour in particular, are at best lukewarm in their attitude towards Israel. But surely this isn't the same as being anti-Semitic?

I'm pretty anti-Israel. I don't like the idea that any state should exist for the sake of a particular race or religion and I've found Israel's defence policy appalling ever since I developed a political conscience. But that's a political view and is obviously debatable. I don't want Israel to be eliminated or anything. It's there now, what would be the point? The way this woman was speaking she'd think I was an anti-Semite for not being pro-Israel, which seems a bit unfair. I don't hate, or even dislike Jews. I can't say I spend an awful lot of time thinking about Jews.

You could probably call me anti-Zionist (although that would probably be pushing it - I don't really care that much) but to effectively brand those who think Israel is shit as racist seems a little bit off to me. I've come across plenty of people with similar views to mine and they're held at least a large minority of people, I imagine. But society is hardly rife with Jew jokes and abuse as far as I can see.

Was this woman talking bollocks and conflating a dislike of Israel (which I assume is far less common in the US) with Jew-hating? Or does she have a point and we're all horrible fuckers?