Just got back from it. It's rather good.

My favourite thing about it as my gut reaction is that where The Force Awakens was basically Original Trilogy Greatest Hits this, while it still has a lot of nods, is far more it's own film. It's also got some really fucking beautiful scenes / scenery in it. I liked the fight scenes too, they did some cool things to distinguish them from other fights in the series.

My gut-reaction-least-favourite thing is that while there are some genuinely and very funny moments in it I thought there were some scenes where they added laughs that unnecessarily eased the tension, like they weren't quite comfortable just going for the drama (or whatever you want to call it.) This is most notably in the Luke / Kyle 'fight' where Luke has 'survived' the barrage from the AT-ATs (or whatever they are called in this) and then with comic casualness just dusts his shoulder off. I laughed but I think I'd rather they hadn't put a laugh into a moment like that. It's a fairly minor gripe and while there may be more things that occur to me as I think about it I don't really have any big problems with it.

It's also comfortably Hamill's best performance in any of the ones he's been in. By a mile. Though I thought as with TFA the main cast were all pretty solid.

Lastly, I find it pretty funny that there was so much speculation about Snoke and, in this film at least, it's come to nothing. I dunno if there will be more to come in future films or not but after loads of fan theories and what-not as things stand he's just a very powerful mystery baddie who rocked up and then got lopped in half.

EDIT: Oh, and the whole 'Who were Rey's mum and dad!?' thing also seem to be a red herring at the moment. Many a fan theory is getting hastily re-written to say "Ah but in Episode IX....!"