Nice one Andrew. I can relate to a lot of the knock-on effects of getting active again. Even though I've always been a broadly healthy shortarse who seems to have weighed about 11 stone since I was 15/16, once I turned 30, I could definitely feel physical and mental changes weigh me down. It's the small things that get you, that feeling that a flight of stairs shouldn't tax you quite as much as it does. I could/can also see my body becoming increasingly like my dad's too, which was a bit of motivation to intervene.

My partner and me started couch to 5k in December 2021 and both completed it around Feb/March time 2022 and I've been hovering around the run 5k / run for 25-30 mins three or four times a week ever since, and while it's nothing to write home about, I do always feel so much better after a run. It's not so much the physical benefit, the mental benefit of feeling you've achieved something is a far greater tonic.

I suspect I've edged up closer to 11.5 stone over a busy end to last year and over Xmas/new year so the plan this year is get myself into shape to be able to run 5k at the drop of a hat, and also aim to get my weight down below 11 stone again. I'm also going to get a bit of advice on a training routine to see if I can tone up a bit. I quite fancy looking half decent with my shirt off at some stage.