Also, people who don't reply to emails fuck me off.
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Also, people who don't reply to emails fuck me off.
Brexit+Trump has made me stop using Facebook. I was very much of the opinion that it was just about who you follow but ever since they started putting the 'commented on' and 'liked this' bits into the newsfeed it became a total garbage fire.
Twitter seems to show things people have liked now too, which renders retweets slightly impotent.
I'm not sure how many more times I can click 'Show me less often' before they get the point.
The concept of things 'going viral' is slowly killing Western civilisation.
I've finally got to that level of Twitter where I'm seeing the original jokes before they get screenshotted and have LadBible logos all over and 6 layers of artifacting all over it. It must be quite annoying to constantly churn out stuff only to have everyone just nick it word for word.
This is where elth would have said 'Stop being friends with idiots', as if everybody he knew wasn't either a dweeb or a tramp, but there is some truth in it. It's the same with Twitter. I follow 192 people, and it remains a solid source of information and lols.
As I said before, that used to be true but now it can't be stopped once you know someone you respect has liked an 'Occupy Democrats' meme.
If you're actually friends with them then call them out. If you're not friends with them then delete them.
Sometimes I want to engage with stuff people post but I get the impression you're seen as a bit of a wrongun if you do. As if people just want the LIKES.
That's exactly the case. A girl I met on holiday deleted me a few years ago because I pointed out the experiment she'd posted where someone dunked a McDonald's cheeseburger into a tub of hydrochloric acid wasn't representative of what happens in your stomach because stomach acid isn't pure hydrochloric acid. BUT THEY'RE SCIENTISTS HOW CAN YOU KNOW BETTER?
There's an odd thing on social media where people will believe any complete nonsense posted by any page whatsoever as long as the content exists on a page with its own URL, even if people they know to be smart and would otherwise trust tell them it's bullshit.
They don't want to be challenged they just want to post stuff and have everyone tell them how clever they are.
"They show total disregard for the amount of days in each month."
On Facebook you get the nice middle ground option of unfollowing someone. They never need know you've ditched them, you never need know they think brown people are controlling their thoughts via chemtrails.
Has anyone seen that Oral B advert that's on TV at the minute? The woman in it goes 'oh wow, I didn't even know Oral B made toothpaste!' Who the fuck is aware of Oral B as a brand but doesn't know they make toothpaste?
The actress in the advert. You just said.
She was prolly referring to something else anyway.
She was probably paid to say it. FAKE NEWS.
Such a cynic.
Oral B's more famous for their brushes.
Wasn't she in the spice girls?
Actually what is fucking me off is the contact lens somewhere in my eyelid stuck. Absolute bastard.
I'd take it out if I was you, mate.
I found it. Top right of the eye trying to creep into my brain.
It went to court today as the judge was meant to agree/disagree based on my Sister (who has Downs) and my little brother. 'Her Daughter' turned up and said we bullied/forced her into signing the orders at mediation and the judge decided she was right.
We will now have to pay for her to get counsel and work out a deal.
She went to the mediation on her own without a solicitor, played her hand badly, got lolled out, signed the agreement because she's thick and didn't say a word until a few days ago that she was unhappy.
The judge wasn't even meant to looking at her case because he was only meant to be dealing with minors, it's a joke.
Do you have idiots representing you or something?
Burn through every penny of the inheritance to drag it out for years and spite her. :drool:
What was your dad doing getting involved with these people?
He met the wife in a strip club in Cyprus and bought her out of her contract...
Jesus, she must have been into everything whilst they were married. Ultimately you should have seen this coming, but it is all a bit shit. Did you mention that she was a stripper in court? Find some evidence of her cheating and say the marriage didn't count or whatever. I'm not sure if its that easy, but its worth a shot.
Are you sure it's her you're seething with?
Aye, its your dad that's fucked you here.
She's set, everything that gets derailed and people start looking at us to pay it.
This shit wont affect her (she took half the family home away from her son, contested the life insurance decision against her daughter, refused to pay for her son's fees at mediation etc etc).
She's a millionaire effectively now but she's still being a tight cunt.
There is one flat that gets split up between the parties. She almost derailed the whole thing by asking the buyer for an extra £1,000 for the furniture in the flat.
I also inherited my Dad's Rolex which she was meant to give me but still hasn't. I had to get our solicitor involved and she said she'll be giving it to me after everything else is sorted.
I meant Ukrainian tarts, but I'll show myself out.
TBF to your Dads dodgy accountant it sounds like your Dad was up to some naughty stuff.
And married a stripper.
And passed on his proclivity for saucy Eastern types.
Have you thought about turning the story of how they met into a romcom?
It feels more like a gritty companion to Arrested Development.
"And the son trying to keep them all apart."
Just to completely lower the tone, every day this week I've went into an unflushed toilet cubicle at work. You wouldn't let shit linger at home, you scruffy cunts.